Happenings at the Yeshiva

 The big news is that while we are on break, Newsweek named Rabbi Weiss and myself in their list of the US's 50 Most Influential Rabbis, citing in particular the accomplishments of YCT and its rabbis: 

"[Its] students now hold some of the most prominent positions in shuls and Hillels all over the country.... Its alumni will undoubtedly alter the fabric of Modern Orthodoxy."

May our rabbis, students and musmakhim continue to lead, teach and inspire Klal Yisrael.  

Mazel Tov also to Dahlia and Rabbi Uri Topolosky (YCT '05) on the birth of a baby girl this week!  Mazel Tov to Sharon and Rabbi Ben Greenberg (YCT '09) on the birth of a baby boy last week, and on the bris of the newly named Yehuda Shmuel this week!  She'tizku li'gadlam li'Torah li'Chuppah u'li'ma'asim tovim!!


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