This week was our last week of shiurim and classes beforechazara and finals next week. Students were learning intensely, covering the final sugyot, and finishing their review questions and other assignments. It has been a tremendouszman of learning, with great hasmada and intensity, and it should continue and grow even stronger next zman!
It, of course, was also Chanukah, and we had a wonderful Chanukah chagiga at the Yeshiva on Monday night for students, rebbeim, staff and their respective families. Thechagiga had something for everyone: dreidel making, chocolate Chanukah gelt, dreidel contests, and latke iron chef competition, and great music and chevreschaft. It was such a nice opportunity to get together with one another, and with our families, and to really celebrate Chanukah with our yeshiva family.
Chanukah was a part of our learning as well, as students shared divrei Torah on Chanukah after mincha, and Rabbi Katz gave a shiur klali on the topic of U'Bau Pritizm vi'Chililuhu - how the violation by the Syrian-Greeks of the Temple actual brought about a desanctification of the vessels. This halakhic principle has relevance to those tragic circumstances of desecrated synagogues, stolen sifrei Torah, and the like. Finally, this morning, Rav Nati gave students a shiur on sources that they had been studying regarding the halakhic and hashkafic aspects of Chanukah. It was great to make both the joy of Chanukah and the Torah of Chanukah part of our beit midrash this week.
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Jason Weiner (YCT 2006) on the great article, A Chaplain's calling: 'It drew me in', that appeared in this weekend's Los Angeles Jewish Journal, detailing his Chaplaincy department at Cedars-Sinai, and the wonderful work that it - and he! - are doing. Also a big mazal to Rabbi Weiner on his recently published guidebook for patients in hospitals entitled, "Navigating Illness & Traditional Jewish Practice". Yasher Koachacha! Sheteleikh mei'chayil el chayil!
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